Andrew Folick, MD, PhD

Role of Apolipoprotein E in Diet-Responsive Hypothalamic Microglial Regulation of Obesity and Metabolic Disease

Amanda McQuade, PhD

Uncovering Function and Regulation of an Aging-Associated Interferon-Responsive Microglial State

Adit Friedberg, MD

Transcriptional Landscape of Cellular Senescence in the Human Brain in Healthy Aging and in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Sara LaHue, MD

Biological Signatures of Neurodegeneration and Aging in Postoperative Delirium

Martin Valdearcos, PhD

Targeting Hypothalamic Microglia to Regulate Glucose Homeostasis

Lin Yuan, PhD

Molecular Mechanisms of Sensory Neuropathy in Excitotoxicity and Diabetes Models

Mark Anderson, MD, PhD

Next Generation Analysis of Type 1 Diabetes

Sudipta Ashe, PhD

Assessing the Role of Lipid Droplets in Human Islet Beta Cell Function