Zhefeng Guo, PhD

Solid-supported EPR: A Novel Approach to Study Beta-Amyloid Structures

Rachel Nosheny, PhD

Cholinergic Terminal Structure and Function in Down Syndrome

Dror Sagi, PhD

An Engineering Approach to Increase Lifespan

Cynthia Kenyon, PhD (current Hao Li, PhD)

Larry L. Hillblom Center for the Biology of Aging

Stanley Prusiner, MD

Diagnosis and Treatment of Age-Dependent Neurodegeneration

Quasar Padiath, PhD

Elucidating of the Mechanism of Lamin B1 Dependent Adult Onset Demyelination

Victor Valcour, MD

Cognitive Health and Brain Vulnerability in Aging Insulin Resistant Patients

Yuriy Kirichok, PhD

Molecular Mechanisms Governing Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake