Arvind Ramanathan, PhD

Metabolic Basis of Environmental Stress Signaling in Skeletal Muscle

John Newman, MD, PhD

Health and Lifespan Effects of Histone Deacetylase Inhibition by Ketone Bodies

Rebecca Nelson, PhD

Investigation of Cylindrin as a Candidate Structure for Toxic Amyloid Oligomers

Kurt Lucin, PhD

The Effect of Beclin 1 on Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's Disease and Aging

Subhojit Roy, MD, PhD

Axonal Transport Deficits and Therapeutic Avenues in Alzheimer’s Disease

Carrie Peltz, PhD

The Examination of Cognitively Impaired but Not Demented Oldest-Old

Katherine Possin, PhD

Early Markers and Brain Bases of Spatial Impairment in Alpha-Synuclein Disorders

Zhefeng Guo, PhD

Solid-supported EPR: A Novel Approach to Study Beta-Amyloid Structures