Jinhee Hwang, PhD

Can skeletal Muscle-Specific DOC2B Enrichment Reverse Prediabetes

Kristen Berendzen, MD, PhD

Understanding Social Attachment Deficits in Frontotemporal Dementia

Chiara Anselmi, PhD

Evolutionary Conserved Mechanisms of Neuronal Regeneration and Degeneration

Chengjian Zhao, PhD

In Vivo Transdifferentiation of Skeletal Muscle Cells into Functional Beta Cells

Ritwik Datta, PhD

Integrin-Mediated Regulation of Insulin Sensitivity

Youngjin Kim, PhD

The Role of GLIS3 on Human β Cell Development and Dysfunction

Jennifer Bridge, PhD

The Role of Aire in the Selection of Regulatory T Cells in T1D

Predrag Jovanovic, PhD

Characterization of Olfactory Circuits Modulating Energy Homeostasis