Found 233 Results

Angela Gomez-Arboledas, PhD

University of California Irvine (UCI)

Influence of C5a-C5aR1 Signaling on Synaptic Pruning in Alzheimer’s Disease

Year: 2021 | Area: Aging | Type: Fellowship

Ronald Evans, PhD

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Adipose PDE4D: a New Druggable Pathway to Overcome Insulin Resistance

Year: 2021 | Area: Diabetes | Type: Network

Abdulsamie Patel, PhD

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Glia-Neuron Cross-Talk in iPSC Model(s) of Induced Neurodegeneration

Year: 2021 | Area: Aging | Type: Fellowship

Ahmet Arac, MD

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Neural Circuit Mechanisms of Age-Related Decline in Motor Skills

Year: 2021 | Area: Aging | Type: Start-Up

Alison Inglis, PhD

California Institute of Technology (CalTech)

Ion Channel Assembly in Neuronal Degeneration

Year: 2021 | Area: Aging | Type: Fellowship

Sara LaHue, MD

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Biological Signatures of Neurodegeneration and Aging in Postoperative Delirium

Year: 2021 | Area: Aging | Type: Start-Up

Zhongying Wang, PhD

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Live Cell Imaging of Islet Cell Metabolic Trajectory in Health and Diabetes

Year: 2021 | Area: Diabetes | Type: Fellowship

Tatyana Gurlo, PhD

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Establishing Tissue-Specific Optimal Animal Models for Drug Discovery in Type 2 Diabetes

Year: 2021 | Area: Diabetes | Type: Start-Up

Ying Shi, PhD

Stanford University

Mechanisms of Insulin Receptor-regulated Sodium and Glucose Co-Transport

Year: 2021 | Area: Diabetes | Type: Fellowship