Eirini Vagena, PhD

The Role of Asb4 in the Regulation of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

Irina Proekt, PhD

Role of Thymic Antigen Presentation in Selection of Diabetogenic T Cells

Kaitlin Casaletto, PhD

Behavioral Novelty to Promote Synaptic Function in Older Adults

Manish Chamoli, PhD

Role of Pharmacologically Induced-TFEB in Aging and Age-Related Neurodegeneration

Ralitsa Petrova, PhD

Defining the Role of Calcium Channels in Astrocyte Function and Neurodegeneration

Seokho Kim, PhD

Generation of Functional Human β Cells in Pigs

Yohei Shibuya, PhD

Development of Microglia Replacement Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease

Alessandra Martini, PhD

The Impact of Endocytic Tom1 on Alzheimer’s Disease