Kosaku Shinoda, PhD

Emerging Role of Casein Kinase 2 in Beige/Brown Fat Development and Metabolism

Kuok Teong “Norman” Ong , PhD

Potential Novel Mechanisms and Proteins Regulating CREB-Mediated Metabolism

Whitney Purtha, PhD

The Role of Aire in the Selection of Diabetogenic T Cells

Jennifer Yokoyama, PhD

Novel Ways to Predict Successful and Abnormal Aging of the Brain: The Role of Compound Genetic Risk

Gaetano Faleo, PhD

Geometric and Functional Encapsulation of Islets for Transplantation

John Newman, MD, PhD

Health and Lifespan Effects of Histone Deacetylase Inhibition by Ketone Bodies

Rebecca Nelson, PhD

Investigation of Cylindrin as a Candidate Structure for Toxic Amyloid Oligomers

Safia Costes, PhD

Role of Proteosomal Ubiquitin Pathway in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Beta Cells