Homa Majd, PhD

Human Cell Based Model of Diabetic Neuropathy for Biomarker and Drug Discovery

Peter Thompson, PhD

Role of Pancreatic Beta Cell Senescence in the Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes

Meredith Kuo, PhD

Characterization of the Cellular Mechanisms Regulating Tau Homeostasis

Xiaoyan Guo, PhD

The Mitochondrial Stress Response in Human Cells and its Relevance to Aging

Eirini Vagena, PhD

The Role of Asb4 in the Regulation of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

Irina Proekt, PhD

Role of Thymic Antigen Presentation in Selection of Diabetogenic T Cells

Kaitlin Casaletto, PhD

Behavioral Novelty to Promote Synaptic Function in Older Adults

Ralitsa Petrova, PhD

Defining the Role of Calcium Channels in Astrocyte Function and Neurodegeneration