A. Summary Narrative (to be completed by Principal Investigator):
Provide a one page summary for reviewers not trained in science, describing the nature of the research being studied, results to date of your research, progress made in achieving the purpose(s) of the grant, significant challenges, modifications of strategies and implications of your research for future treatment of the disease or persons suffering from the disease.
B. Progress Report Narrative (to be completed by Principal Investigator):
Provide a detailed progress report and updated research plan (for scientific reviewers) using the outline below:
1. Specific Aims (one page maximum):
List the specific aims or research objectives proposed in the original application (or prior progress report). If the aims or objectives have been modified, give the revised aims and the reason for the modifications.
In addition, please summarize what you have accomplished during the grant period. Did you complete the aims of your initial proposal to the Hillblom Foundation? If not, please explain the nature of any changes, pro or con (i.e. new discoveries or reasons for modifying the aims).
2. Studies and Results (two page maximum):
Describe the studies directed toward the specific aims or research objectives during the previous year and the results obtained. To the extent that specific “milestones” were envisioned or specified for the research project, have they been met?
3. Significance (one page maximum):
Summarize the significance of the results to the scientific field and the implications of your research for future treatment of the disease or persons suffering from the disease. Describe any scientific benefits that have been achieved as a result of your research. Has the research funded by this grant provided new insight or knowledge with respect to the disease being studied?
4. Plans (two page maximum):
Describe fully any important modifications to the original plans and summarize plans to address the specific aims and research objectives for the future (if you plan to continue your research). (Fellowship and Start-Up Grantees Only: in addition, please utilize these pages to summarize your future plans, career objectives and any new research projects that you will be working on, once you have completed your LLHF grant.)