Network Grant V.2: How to Apply

Grant Criteria


The purpose of the Hillblom Foundation Network Grant is to facilitate interaction between a network of researchers. It is anticipated that these investigators will be independently funded and have demonstrated productivity in their own field. While it is anticipated that the principal investigator of the network will have a strong background in one of the two areas of stated interest of the Hillblom Foundation, the network might be strengthened by inclusion of investigators with expertise that can enhance the overall focus of the group on the disease process of interest. The overall aim is to have multidisciplinary teams that usually cannot work together, collaborating to advance science at a faster speed. The project should involve new, groundbreaking research that would initially be considered too risky for NIH funding but would eventually be a vehicle to secure a more conventional NIH grant program.

Grant Making Procedures

The Network Grant shall be made directly to and administered by the office of contracts and grants at the Qualified Institution, which shall be responsible for the expenditure of grant funds, appointment of researchers and the overall network grant project. Annual renewal of a Network Grant shall be subject to the Foundation’s approval.

Expectations of the Research Network

The proposed network must be led by an established researcher in the field of interest. In addition to the principal investigator, there must be at least two co-investigators on the project. All three investigators should be based in the state of California. The proposed Network Grant must be focused on the benefits that the network will bring to the overall research effort. The grant should identify research objectives and/or milestones as well as a time line for achievement of same. If appropriate, indicate whether recognition of the Network Grant will include naming in honor of the Donor, Larry L. Hillblom or the Larry L. Hillblom Foundation. The principal investigator will be required to submit an annual report to the host institution and the Foundation (submitted electronically via the LLHF Grant Management System). Additionally, the principal investigator will be required to attend the Annual Hillblom Scientific Meeting to give a presentation on the findings of their research to date. The annual renewal of any Network Grant for the four year time period will be contingent upon a satisfactory annual report and presentation at this forum. Renewal / non-renewal decisions by the Board of Directors of the Hillblom Foundation are final and not subject to appeal or review.

Research Costs

The Network Grant can seek support in the following categories:

  • Personnel costs, which are restricted to those named and justified in the budget.
  • Cross-training of network personnel.
  • Operation of the research project, including project administration.
  • Purchase of supplies and equipment for the conduct of the proposed research, both items must be itemized and justified in the budget.
  • Travel expenses, which shall include mandatory attendance at the Annual Hillblom Foundation Scientific Meeting.

Grant Restrictions

  1. No scientific or monetary overlap is allowed. The network investigators cannot be currently funded to perform the stated research.
  2. In addition to the PI, there must be at least 2 co-investigators on the network (also from the state of California). The co-investigators should have collaborated in some capacity in the past with the PI, but currently none of the investigators should have any funding together.
  3. Annual progress reports that are submitted in the second and fourth year should include a detailed report on the research progress and list the publications that directly stem from LLHF network funds.
  4. The network should aim to apply for independent funding by year 4 and show proof that they have applied in their progress report.
  5. There is only 1 opportunity for competitive renewal. The PI will apply for renewal at the beginning of year 4, so that there would not be any gap in funding, if selected.
  6. Once the grant ends and is totally closed (either year 4 or year 8, depending on the outcome of the renewal), the PI and co-investigators must wait 2 full years before applying for another network grant, and it must be an entirely new research project.

    Note: If anyone has an active LLHF network grant, is collaborating on one, or recently ended a network grant, you are not eligible to apply for this new “Network Grant V.2” until 2 full years have passed. You must wait 2 full years from the date the grant ends to apply for a network grant (this includes NCE end dates as well). For example, if the LLHF grant ends on December 31, 2022, you cannot apply again until January 2025. And it must be an entirely new research project with a new team of investigators to be eligible for consideration. This new “Network Grant V.2” program supersedes any network grant criteria from previous years.


All publications and presentations related to the Hillblom Grant should cite support by the Hillblom Foundation.

Network Grant Details

  • Qualified Institutions: The PI’s lab must be affiliated with an institution within the state of California
  • Funding Areas: Diabetes or Aging
  • Maximum Funding: $600,000 per year
  • Duration of the Award: Up to four (4) years, subject to annual Foundation approval; thereafter, one possibility of renewal & only by a new competitive application
  • Maximum Allowable Indirect Costs: 10%, included in the total grant
Important Dates to Remember
  • LOI Submission Start Date: December 30, 2024
  • LOI Due Date: January 31, 2025 at 5PM PST
  • Full Application Invitation: June 2025
  • Full Application Deadline: August 29, 2025 at 5PM PDT
  • Funding Decisions Announced: November 2025
  • Anticipated Start Date: January 2026

Start Your Letter of Intent and Online Help

Start an application

You must have an account on in order to submit your application. Click the "Start New LLHF Grant Application" or "Start New LLHF LOI" button on the right to begin your application/LOI process.

Navigating and Viewing the Online Application Form

Once you start a new application, you may review all the pages of your online application form by clicking through the PAGE NAVIGATION at the top of each page.

  • We recommend that you use this PAGE NAVIGATION at the top of each page to jump from page to page to review your application.
  • Using the NEXT or PREVIOUS buttons will force you to fill out required fields before moving to another page.

Clicking "NEXT" and "PREVIOUS" Buttons

When you click NEXT or PREVIOUS buttons at the bottom of the online application form, your information will be saved. NOTE: Clicking NEXT will require you to fill out all required fields.

Uploading Files

  • When asked to upload a file to complete your application, you may only upload a PDF formatted file. Do not upload MS Word or any other type of files. The system will only accept PDFs.
  • You may only upload ONE PDF file per question.
  • You may open and preview your PDF upload once you save your application. You can save your application by advancing to the next page or using the "Save and Continue Later" feature at the bottom of the page.

Save and Continue Later

You may start an application and continue it at a later date.

Generate a PDF Preview of Your Application

Generate a PDF copy of your application for a final review by you and your colleagues.

  • Click the "Generate PDF Preview" button on the last page of the application form to generate a PDF copy of your application for a final review.
  • Your PDF will be emailed as an attachment to the email address associated with your application (the address you inserted in section 1. of the cover page).
  • Note: after this step, from your dashboard, you will be able to "edit" the application to make changes or "submit" your final application (with the required signatures).

Editing Your Application PDF

You may edit your application until the deadline date, from your dashboard. Click on "Edit" under the "Edit Application" field.

  • If you update your application but your PDF is showing the previous version, please contact us.
  • NOTE: Please remember, your temporarily link is no longer valid once you have generated a PDF preview; therefore, any changes must now be made from your dashboard and an updated PDF will be emailed to you as an attachment for review.


  • Signatures can be added after you have generated a PDF preview of your application.
  • Once you have made all of your revisions in the "Edit Application" field and you have received a final copy of your application PDF, you must add your certified e-signatures using a program such as Adobe Acrobat or DocuSign.
  • Your application will be considered incomplete if you do not insert both signatures to your application cover page.
  • NOTE: After you have added signatures to your PDF, you will need to upload a copy and submit it to the LLHF in the "Upload Final App with Signatures" field on your dashboard.

Submitting an Application

  • To officially submit your application to the Foundation you will need to upload your final application PDF on your dashboard. Please follow directions on your dashboard.
  • You will only be allowed to submit your application once, so please make sure that you do not submit the PDF until it is signed and final.
  • Applications will not be accepted after the deadline date.

Apply Online

All LOIs must be submitted via our online grant management system.

Start New LLHF LOI

Important Quick Tips

  • Whenever you use the “Save and Continue Later” feature, make sure to copy the temporary link provided and email it to yourself. (Note: you will receive the same link every time you use this feature and this link is only valid for 30 days.)
  • You must edit your online form from the link provided.  Your application PDF will not be emailed or appear in your dashboard for editing until you have completed all of the required fields and have generated a "PDF Preview" (the last step of the online form).
  • Once you generate a PDF preview of the application, the temporary link that was provided is no longer valid; therefore, if you need to edit the application after this step, it must be done from the PI’s dashboard.
  • Note: your application PDF will only be emailed to you AFTER you generate a PDF preview. After you receive the PDF, you will also have the option to "edit" your application and "update" it from your dashboard and then a revised PDF will be emailed to you again.

Start Your Application and Online Help

Start an application

You must have an account on in order to submit your application. Click the "Start New LLHF Grant Application" or "Start New LLHF LOI" button on the right to begin your application/LOI process.

Navigating and Viewing the Online Application Form

Once you start a new application, you may review all the pages of your online application form by clicking through the PAGE NAVIGATION at the top of each page.

  • We recommend that you use this PAGE NAVIGATION at the top of each page to jump from page to page to review your application.
  • Using the NEXT or PREVIOUS buttons will force you to fill out required fields before moving to another page.

Clicking "NEXT" and "PREVIOUS" Buttons

When you click NEXT or PREVIOUS buttons at the bottom of the online application form, your information will be saved. NOTE: Clicking NEXT will require you to fill out all required fields.

Uploading Files

  • When asked to upload a file to complete your application, you may only upload a PDF formatted file. Do not upload MS Word or any other type of files. The system will only accept PDFs.
  • You may only upload ONE PDF file per question.
  • You may open and preview your PDF upload once you save your application. You can save your application by advancing to the next page or using the "Save and Continue Later" feature at the bottom of the page.

Save and Continue Later

You may start an application and continue it at a later date.

Generate a PDF Preview of Your Application

Generate a PDF copy of your application for a final review by you and your colleagues.

  • Click the "Generate PDF Preview" button on the last page of the application form to generate a PDF copy of your application for a final review.
  • Your PDF will be emailed as an attachment to the email address associated with your application (the address you inserted in section 1. of the cover page).
  • Note: after this step, from your dashboard, you will be able to "edit" the application to make changes or "submit" your final application (with the required signatures).

Editing Your Application PDF

You may edit your application until the deadline date, from your dashboard. Click on "Edit" under the "Edit Application" field.

  • If you update your application but your PDF is showing the previous version, please contact us.
  • NOTE: Please remember, your temporarily link is no longer valid once you have generated a PDF preview; therefore, any changes must now be made from your dashboard and an updated PDF will be emailed to you as an attachment for review.


  • Signatures can be added after you have generated a PDF preview of your application.
  • Once you have made all of your revisions in the "Edit Application" field and you have received a final copy of your application PDF, you must add your certified e-signatures using a program such as Adobe Acrobat or DocuSign.
  • Your application will be considered incomplete if you do not insert both signatures to your application cover page.
  • NOTE: After you have added signatures to your PDF, you will need to upload a copy and submit it to the LLHF in the "Upload Final App with Signatures" field on your dashboard.

Submitting an Application

  • To officially submit your application to the Foundation you will need to upload your final application PDF on your dashboard. Please follow directions on your dashboard.
  • You will only be allowed to submit your application once, so please make sure that you do not submit the PDF until it is signed and final.
  • Applications will not be accepted after the deadline date.

Apply Online

All applications must be submitted via our online grant management system.

Start New LLHF Grant Application

Important Quick Tips

  • Whenever you use the “Save and Continue Later” feature, make sure to copy the temporary link provided and email it to yourself. (Note: you will receive the same link every time you use this feature and this link is only valid for 30 days.)
  • You must edit your online form from the link provided.  Your application PDF will not be emailed or appear in your dashboard for editing until you have completed all of the required fields and have generated a "PDF Preview" (the last step of the online form).
  • Once you generate a PDF preview of the application, the temporary link that was provided is no longer valid; therefore, if you need to edit the application after this step, it must be done from the PI’s dashboard.
  • Note: your application PDF will only be emailed to you AFTER you generate a PDF preview. After you receive the PDF, you will also have the option to "edit" your application and "update" it from your dashboard and then a revised PDF will be emailed to you again.

PDF Formatting Requirements

Formatting Requirements for PDF uploads (consistent with NIH PHS 398 Guidelines)


  • Use Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype or Georgia typeface and a font size of 11 points or larger. (A symbol font may be used to insert Greek letters or special characters; the font size requirement still applies.)
  • Type density, including characters and spaces, must be no more than 15 characters per inch.
  • Type may be no more than six lines per inch.
  • Use black ink that can be clearly copied.
  • Print must be clear and legible.

Page Margins

  • Use standard size (8 1⁄2” x 11”) sheets of paper.
  • Use at least one-half inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right) for all pages, including continuation pages.


  • The file must be single-sided and single-spaced.
  • For new Grant Applications, please do not add page numbers when you upload your PDFs.
  • For Progress Reports, consecutively number pages throughout the report. Do not use suffixes (e.g. 5a, 5b). Do not include unnumbered pages.

Figures, Graphs, Diagrams, Charts, Tables, Figure Legends, and Footnotes

  • You may use a smaller type size but it must be in black ink, readily legible, and follow the font typeface requirement.