Start-Up Grant Application

Application Instructions

I. Application Cover Page
Complete the LLHF Grant Application Cover Page using the instructions that are provided for your reference.

Please note: If a grant is funded, the original, signed and dated cover page must be mailed to the LLHF before funds can be made available (do not send a scanned copy).

II. Requirements of the Host Institution
The applicant for the Start-Up Grant must have the support of his or her departmental chair or center director, who is required to provide the following assurances (3 page maximum):

  1. The applicant must be provided a faculty position.
  2. The applicant must be provided with sufficient resources including an office, administrative support and equipment to complete the proposed studies.
  3. The applicant must be provided sufficient protected time (80% or more) to pursue the proposed research.
  4. Provide evidence to support the applicant’s qualifications for independent investigation.

III. Requirements of the Applicant for the Start-Up Grant
Summary of Proposal in Lay Terms (1 page maximum):

  1. Provide a summary for reviewers not trained in science, describing the Start-Up Grant, the project goals and the objectives that you hope to accomplish.
  2. Compatibility to LLHF Goals (1 page maximum): Clearly elucidate how the research proposal fits within the funding areas identified by the Foundation. Specifically state how the proposed research project meets the grant criteria as listed on our website.
  3. The Research Plan (7 page maximum): Please include Specific Aims (1 page), Background (1 page), Preliminary Data and Research Plan (5 pages) – Please use this space to outline how this plan is complimentary but distinct from the currently funded work of the researcher, if applicable. Describe the stated research methods and statistical analysis. Please review detailed Start-Up grant criteria on our website.
  4. The Time Line (2 page maximum): Outline the planned time line for each of the research objectives/specific aims.
  5. Cited References: Include in full, all authors and publication titles in the order they appear in the application.
  6. CV/Biosketch (3 page maximum): Provide an NIH style biosketch for the applicant.
  7. Published Papers: Please add up to 10 PDF files of published papers (do not include papers in review or not yet published) by the applicant. The PDF files of the published papers must be submitted via our website in the publications folder of “your grant” area and should not be included in the body of the grant application. The published papers should be submitted by the publication title of the paper.

IV. Budget Requirements

  1. Provide detailed budget and budget justification, using LLHF Budget Forms and instructions. Use a maximum of 3 additional pages for the justification.
    Please provide the names and roles of all personnel for whom support is requested in the provided forms. Please outline requested costs including those for animals, consumables and services. Please provide details of any requested subcontracts.
  2. The budget must include the $30,000 per year of support from the Host Institution, as outlined in the LLHF Start-Up Grant Criteria. The total budget should equal the requested funds plus the $30,000 per year for a total of $100,000 per year.
  3. If indirect costs are applied by the Host Institution, the maximum allowed each year is 10% of the annual LLHF grant or $7,000 per year and these costs should be budgeted as part of the total award for that year.
  4. Restrictions to the Start-Up Grant budget are as follows:
    • Personnel costs are restricted to those named and justified in the budget.
    • Maximum of $25,000 per year for supplies (must be itemized).
    • Maximum of $5,000 per year for equipment (must be itemized).
    • Maximum of $2,500 per year on travel (including mandatory attendance to the Annual Hillblom Foundation Scientific Meeting).
  5. Please list all active and pending funding for the applicant of this Start-Up grant. Please provide a copy of the “Specific Aims” page for all active or pending grant support; indicate any overlap and explain how this will be resolved if this grant is funded (please refer to the LLHF Start-Up grant criteria/grant restrictions).

Additional Requirements

If this grant is funded the following must be provided to LLHF (sent as hard copies) before funds can be made available:

  1. Signed and dated original of the LLHF Grant Application Cover Page.
  2. A copy of the current grant specific Institutional Review Board approval, if applicable. The project title and PI must be referenced in the approval letter.
  3. A copy of the current grant specific Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approval, if applicable. The project title and PI must be referenced in the approval letter.

Formatting Requirements (consistent with NIH PHS 398 Guidelines)

1. Font

  • Use an Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype or Georgia typeface and a font size of 11 points or larger. (A symbol font may be used to insert Greek letters or special characters; the font size requirement still applies.)
  • Type density, including characters and spaces, must be no more than 15 characters per inch.
  • Type may be no more than six lines per inch.
  • Use black ink that can be clearly copied.
  • Print must be clear and legible.

2. Page Margins

  • Use standard size (8 1⁄2” x 11”) sheets of paper.
  • Use at least one-half inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right) for all pages, including continuation pages.

3. Application Paging

  • The application must be single-sided and single-spaced.
  • Consecutively number pages throughout the application.
  • Do not use suffixes (e.g., 5a, 5b).
  • Do not include unnumbered pages.

4. Figures, Graphs, Diagrams, Charts, Tables, Figure Legends, and Footnotes

  • You may use a smaller type size but it must be in black ink, readily legible, and follow the font typeface requirement.

Announcements & Deadlines


  • Application Start Date: December 1, 2019
  • Application Deadline: January 31, 2020
  • Funding Decisions: early June 2020
  • Anticipated Start Date: July 1, 2020

Previously Funded Research


Ilia Droujinine, PhD

Intestine to Adipose Tissue Interorgan Communication in Diabetes

Hanna Martens, PhD

The Regulation of Immunosenescence and its Implications on Healthy Aging

Christopher Toomey MD, PhD

Role of High-Density Lipoprotein Particles in Early Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Roarke Kamber, PhD

Systematic Identification and Characterization of Regulators of Senescent Cell Clearance by Macrophages

Chuankai Zhou, PhD

Dissect the Effects of Long-Term Environmental Stresses on Cellular Physiology and Aging

Isha Jain, PhD

High Altitude-Inspired Therapies for Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes

Zoe Quandt, MD

Mechanisms of Autoimmune Diabetes Provoked by Cancer Immunotherapy

Ryo Higuchi-Sanabria, PhD

Actin-Mitochondria Interactions During Stress and Aging